Pathoma Vs Boards and Beyond: What’s Different?Īfter we’ve soon how both resources might compare let’s look at how they differ. Annotating your book with points covered by the videos. You can also use both as references for concepts you learn in First Aid (another core material making up UFAPS) too. Both extract the high-yield points and both deliver the material in a very similar way (explanations, diagrams etc). There’s a fair amount of overlap between the two, specifically when it comes to pathology (the general focus of Pathoma). Neither particularly reinvents the wheel in this regard! Content The videos follow a lecture-style format (occasional real-time diagrams to illustrate points).There is a single narrator (Dr Hussein Sattar for Pathoma and Dr Ryan for B&B).

In terms of video quality though both their styles are pretty similar: Clearly this is done for copyright reasons. You can’t download either Pathoma or B&B’s videos to take with you on the fly but rather have to stream them from behind a paywall (more on this later). The technical requirements of each are pretty much the same. Whether that be on a laptop, iPad, tablet or whatever else. Students pay for access and then watch either platforms’ lectures in their own time. The first obvious similarity between both resources, and one that’s a big reason for the debate, is that they’re both mainly video series.

Here we are giving TELEGRAM channel link for Latest BNB Videos. DOWNLOAD Boards and Beyond USMLE VIDEOS and PDF (2020): During dedicated study time, many students re-watch some but not all videos focusing on areas of difficulty. This is by far the most popular way to use our materials. Since the videos take a long time to watch, many students use them alongside classes during M2 year. There really is no “right” or “wrong” way. Tens of thousands of students use our videos and each one does it a little differently. Boards & Beyond provides an online virtual curriculum to supplement your coursework and provide a comprehensive review for the USMLE exam all in one place! Instead of buzzwords or mnemonics, we emphasize understanding of the basic and clinical sciences, so that the students can study more effectively and build a foundation to succeed in medical school, and beyond.