You work on a team developing a marketing plan to sell high-end sunglasses. Recommend to the dealership ’s manager whether to begin marketing to college students, suggesting some tactics that would be effective. You agree that college incomes are low to nonexistent, but you see some students driving late- model cars. Your car dealership is located in a university town, but the manager doubts that selling cars to college students will be profitable. Your notes and at least one preliminary draft Choose one of the following topics. Your instructor may specify a minimum length, a minimum number or kind of sources, and a minimum number of visuals. Body (Introduction, all information, recommendations). As your instructor directs, Turn in the following documents: a. Sample questions asked in the 11th edition of Business and Administrative Communication: In short - Connect + BAC = An effective communicator

BAC uses a rhetorical emphasis of audience, purpose, and context allowing communicators to shape their messages appropriately for all channels and purposes.īAC conveys the best possible advice to students while Connect Business Communication allows students to apply concepts and practice skills. Business and Administrative Communication (BAC) is flexible, comprehensive & up-to-date, specific & interesting.